Brings art closer
Brings art closer
Brengt kunst dichterbij
When you contact the Passionate Artist to become a member, we ask you to write a piece, submit photos, etc. The Passionate Artist posts the work himself. You can send an email at any time of the month to adjust your advertisement, add events, etc.
We will adjust this for you as soon as possible, ideally the same day.
When you contact the Passionate Artist to become a member, we ask you to write a piece, submit photos, etc. The Passionate Artist posts the work himself. You can send an email at any time of the month to adjust your advertisement, add events, etc.
We will adjust this for you as soon as possible, ideally the same day.
Je m'appelle Louise Mohr.
Je suis architecte. Then you follow the design techniques of your creation and the spontaneity of your design. The illustration is a passe-temps. Je dessine depuis l'age de huit ans. The designs are very rapid, and the colors are stable. J'accorde beaucoup d'importance à l'harmonie générale de la creation et à son cadrage. Mes designs sont remplis d'humour et d'autodérision. Egon Schiele is a source of inspiration for his journey.
My name is Louise Mohr.
I am an architect. As part of my work I make technical drawings but I was missing the creativity and spontaneity of free drawing. Illustration is a hobby. I've been drawing since I was eight years old. My designs are very fast. They can be described as closed lines filled with colours. I attach great importance to the general harmony of the creation and to its framing. My drawings are filled with humor and self-deprecation. Egon Shiele has always been a source of inspiration.